This picture was taken two years ago after Tessa's baptism. Hard to believe it has been that long. I suppose it is as good a place as any to start. It was about this time that Dan and I really started thinking that we should rethink our place of residence. Of course it would be years before we would be able to actually make arrangements to leave. Alas, I am getting ahead of myself. We had moved into a small split level three bedroom, one bath home in Townsend, MA. Our first house. With us we brought Micah, Anique and Kiah. It only took three weeks for Tessa to make her appearance on to the set. After which we added Kali and Toran. Our family was complete and we commenced with living life and making memories. As time went by we began to think that there must be a cheaper place in this country to live and raise a family. A place where we could have more land and less money taken out of our pockets under the guise of taxes. So we started looking. We looked north and south, east and west. Although not to far east because that would have put us in the ocean. In the mean time we were making friends and having some fun. And fun with friends is what we have had. We have seen where our nation began. We have learned how to make syrup, rode on swan boats, walked through the public garden, hiked the rolling green hills of Vermont, picked apples and pumpkins, and gone on many more adventures.
Anique with friends in Boston. |
And that brings me to the new adventure that is before us. The adventure of a lifetime. At least for some members of our family. The time has come to move on and find new places to explore. We are as I type (ok not really, cuz I'm the one doing the work) preparing the house to go on the market and be sold. But where are we going you ask? We will be making our way to the great state of Missouri. When you ask, are we moving? Just as soon as we can fix and sell a house. The sooner the better for us. Things I won't miss about New England, the snow and ice, the arctic cold, neighbors (in general, no one specific), Massachussets drivers and taxes for the taxes. Things I will miss about New England, friends who are more like family than friends, fall leaves, sugaring season (that is maple syrup season for you left coasters), halloween decorations, churches in town centers. I am sure I could come up with more in both lists, but it is enough to say we have enjoyed our life here and we are looking forward to a new adventure.