About a month ago Kali came running in yelling "I have found one! I was looking and looking and I found one." I couldn't figure out what she was talking about when she thrust into my face a four leaf clover. Yep, that's right we don't have a fine manicured lawn, we have been growing clover and Kali spends hours looking for the very elusive four leaf clover. We told her she would probably never find one, good thing she didn't listen and kept looking. We did facilitate her discovery by spending no time whatsoever on the so called lawn. Other than mowing every once in awhile. She is very welcome for the "Luck of the Irish" that is to come her way.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
I have put off writing this post for many reasons. One being that if I ignore it long enough maybe it won't really be true, I can't possibly have another child entering Young Women's. Two, she is the one most like me. Yes, she has my quirky sense of humor (read sarcasm), she sounds like me, she looks like me, she is my mini me. Needless to say we butt heads a lot. I know that is shocking. Of course when we are on the same wave length, there isn't anything the two of us can't do. We can read each others thoughts and feel each others pain.
I probably "get her" the best of all of my kids, it also means we tend to argue more too. It is harder for me to write about Kiah because she is most like me. Kiah is someone you just get or you don't, there is no middle ground. To most people she is ambiguous and amoeba like, but to me she is a very easy read. She is loyal to a fault, she is kind, she is creative and loves to work in 3D. She likes to create and make something out of things most people would never think of using as craft material. She is a thinker, she is reflective and ponders on things that many great thinkers have only scratched the surface of. She definitely thinks out of the box. She loves to cook (we are all grateful for this one). She makes the best beef stew ever. She likes to bake and make a mess of the kitchen and come up with things to please others. She adds lots of love to whatever she makes. Her cookbook collections is already better than mine. I could totally see her writing one someday. She hopes to go to culinary school someday and become a pastry chef or own her own restaurant. I say do both, as long as mom eats for free. She is passionate, full of fire and ambition. She is also timid, cautious, tentative and slow to warm to new people or situations. I have to say this has served her very well through out her young life. She is a great judge of character. I often look to see how Kiah reacts to someone before giving a final clearance. Kiah is someone who will give you her last dime, last meal, shirt and coat, and last breath if you need it. So it is good that she is a little slower to make a friend because once you have reached the inter sanctum of her circle, you are there for life and she is there for you.
She loves a good game of anything. She is very competitive and will not give up an inch for anyone or anything. If you win playing against Kiah, it is a well fought battle. Thankfully she is usually a pretty good loser if she loses. Kiah has always been my lover of the outdoors. She is most happy exploring the woods or streams. She loves to ride her bike, roller blade, jump rope, chase sisters. Of course as she enters these soon to be teen years she is discovering the arts of the home. She is becoming very capable in caring for and beautifying a home. She enjoys caring for younger kids and babies and can't wait to begin babysitting. It is fun to watch her grow into womanhood and to begin an amazing journey into discovering herself. If the past is any indication, she will be a witty, smart, funny, capable, handy, beautiful daughter of God.

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