It seems to me that in our world today where more children are born out of wedlock and marriages are just as likely to end in divorce as to make it past seven years, where women and girls are being objectified and abused, where girls are feeling like they are less important than boys and have self image issues at earlier and earlier ages, you would think we could come up with books and stories that would be more uplifting and inspiring than this. I try to teach my daughters that if you respect yourself and others, have a true love for God and family, work on things that bring you joy and serves others you will be happy and fulfilled whether God brings a spouse to your life or not. I hope my girls will someday have the blessing of marrying and raising families but, there is so much more to life than a summer fling with your best friend's boyfriend!! It seems to me that dating is preparing our kids for divorce. I'll date you until I find someone better, smarter, prettier, funnier, smells better, stronger, has a better car, more money, will put out, whatever. Family is being undone from all sides and sometimes we don't even recognize it is being undone. I grew up knowing both sets of grandparents who had been married since the beginning of time and although they didn't hang all over each other there were little things that they did that sent the message that they loved each other more than life its self. They argued and didn't agree on everything but they never had a thought of walking away because it wasn't fun anymore. Both of my grandmother's were very strong women who had their own opinions, thoughts, likes, dislikes, desires, hopes, dreams, struggles, weaknesses and strengths. I'm positive that if they were here and I could ask them, they would say that there were things about their husbands that made them completely crazy and wish they could change. I am also confident that my grandfather's would say the same thing about their wives. However, in the next breathe they would all say that those things don't matter and they love each other more everyday. My parents have been together for over 50 years and I think after every up and down they have lived through together they would also say that they love each other more today than when they were married and that they couldn't imagine going through all of the trails of life with anyone other than each other. We need to help our kids understand that you don't throw in the towel because it is hard or not what you thought it would be. We need to teach them how to resolve differences of opinion and how to work through disagreements. I totally understand that there are times and reasons when a marriage should end and we should rally around those who have gone through that experience and lift and support them and their kids. I also think that we as a society had better not lose the importance of the family unit or we will be in worse shape than we are already (if that is possible). The family is the central unit of society and the rise or fall of that society lies within the family. I'm eternally thankful for a husband who understands the importance of this and affords me the opportunity to stay home and raise the next generation (even on the crazy days). I am so thankful that he is such a great dad to his girls and has set the example of what a good man is and how a man treats a woman with respect and love. We can and should do better for our daughters and our sons. An easy place to start is to make sure you know what they are reading and watching.
Happy summer reading...