Thursday, June 14, 2012

Yoga anyone?

The young women at church (girls ages 12 - 18) did yoga last night for their combined activity. The beehive's ( girls ages 12 -13) were in charge, so Kiah was asked to bring a "healthy snack" to share. Of course being us we began the whole "we don't believe in healthy snacks, only nom yummys" silliness. We all helped her decide on making brownies as her healthy snack. Yes, you read that right, brownies. These brownies weren't just any box mix or throw together typical brownies. Nope, these where good for you brownies. How can brownies be good for you, you ask? Well these brownies were made with whole wheat (that we ground ourselves), milled flax seed, pureed blueberries and spinach. Yep that's right spinach and a lot of it. The young women were amazed and mildly freaked out with the thought of spinach in their dessert food. But as Kiah put it, "I totally brought the best healthy snack". That's my Ki.