Holy cow, my baby is 5!!! When did this happen. I am pretty sure I haven't been sleeping in some hollow some where. I remember bringing home a very tiny little baby and having to go get preemie sized clothes for the first couple of weeks. Her personality of course came larger than life and it has only grown larger still. She is quite the comical character. She is very much into wedding planning and loves the show "Say yes to the dress". We are often graced with her fashion show of dresses and her own commentary about what will and won't work for each dress and why. "I love this, but that needs to be different. No, this isn't the one." She is very inventive with the veil as well. She took a piece of mesh fabric that was left over from another project and put it on her head and used a head band to keep it on. TA DA, wedding veil. Little does she know that in my closet there is a whole wedding ensemble. White dress, white gloves, veil, bouquet, white shoes everything she needs to marry her prince charming. I always figured we would someday have this time of wedding preparation. I didn't figure it would be at five. It feels somewhat like a gypsy betrothing their daughter at birth and parading her at five so the future in laws can check out the goods. Kind of creepy. But what is a mom to do when you are told over and over that what she really wants for her birthday is a wedding dress like Anna Kellers'. Anna Keller married Josh Duggar, Toran's other favorite TV show is 18 kids and counting. I think we can all recite the wedding show from memory. I know that this to shall pass very quickly and so I have decided to embrace the joy that is five and Toran. I am actually very grateful that she finds marriage to be so much fun and that it is even in her mind as something important for someday. I am also grateful that she recognizes the importance of modest dress and is pointing out how that dress needs to be fixed in order to be appropriate. I love that her favorite songs to sing are about Jesus and scripture power. I love that she loves to go to church and loves to go to her primary class. I love that she misses her brother but understands he is working for Jesus. I love that she has two kids, Sophie and Eloise. They even have a car seat in the car and they come everywhere. I also love the fact that Sophie and Eloise have a dad. I love that she understands the importance of dad. You will have to ask her to share that story, it is funny. I feel bad for Logan. I love that she lives her life in her own little world with her own little story and we had better follow along. "My name is Sister O." Sorry Mandy. She has taught me much and I believe that trend will continue. She brings a light and excitement to our family that no one can match. That is our Toran Grace.