Monday, March 21, 2011


We have been waiting and waiting for spring to arrive and now that it is here the girls are full of ideas. Planting flowers and veggies, painting rocks to put into the garden, nature walks, growing butterflies. I of course had to remind them we are moving and some of these ideas will have to be modified. The excitement however that winter is over is just more than any of us can stand. So needless to say, when the snow started to fall this morning the mood in the house shifted to complete disgust and heart wrenching sorrow. I had to go online and listen to the weather report and was further disappointed with a report of a possible four inches of snow being predicted. Maybe somebody forgot to tell mother nature that winter is over.

I know we still live in New England, but we are soooo ready for spring. Just as a note Kiah took all of these pictures. Pretty good, huh?

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