It's up to the windows |
On Friday February 8th, we were the proud recipients of 26 inches of snow. I find it so amazing how panicked everyone in the local and state government gets when the weather turns bad. We endured a travel ban for 24 hours and when made to listen to the stupid advice of local media personalities. Stay off the roads if you don't need to travel, you should stock up on essential food items and water, have an alternative heat source. You don't say. Is this the first winter they have spent in New England? I mean really, if you are stupid enough to only have a days worth of food and you think it's cool to drive in blowing driving snow, you deserve everything you get. We got home, stayed home, had plenty to eat and wood to heat the house. I even made sure we had plenty of hot chocolate mix on hand. We never lost power so we watch movies, ate popcorn and watched the snow blow all around.
The drift in front of the front door |
The next morning reality set in when we were up and out shoveling at 7am so Anique could get to work on time. For those of you who paid attention, yes we were on the roads during the travel ban. Funny how life goes on when the government does it's best to stop everything. Well, the drifts of snow where crazy deep and 12 ft of driveway covered by 26 inches of snow, plus the berm that the plow trucks left at the end of the driveway, ugh!, took about 2 hours to clean up completely. When you add in the help we gave to the neighbor to clear her berm and driveway, we were shoveling for about 3 hours. That is a lot of shoveling. We however persevered and finished the job.
Anique after shoveling her way down to the end of the driveway |
The end of the driveway the street is just on the other side
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